Full Membership

Membership is designed to save you money if you commit to coming regularly to either a fortnightly or a weekly basis.

We have two Membership options, based on how regularly you play.

Full membership (weekly)

Annual payment: £40.00 + £1.50/session.

This saves you £10.00 per year based on simply being an Associate Member.

Full membership (fortnightly)

Annual payment: £20.00 + £1.50/session.

This saves you £20.00 per year based on simply being an Associate Member.

With full membership you also gain the benefits of:

  • Attending all AGMs and EGMs

  • Attending all Social events

  • Voting on issues relating to the Club

Associate Membership

Associate membership is designed for those who attend fewer than 20 sessions per year.

Each session costs £3.00 - payable by cash on attendance.

Associate members may attend AGMs and EGMs, but hold no voting rights.